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Besoin de faire le point ?

D’un endroit paisible et serein où se ressourcer ?

Une mise au vert dans une région préservée ?


Un accompagnement individualisé est également possible durant le séjour

Your testimonials

“There are journeys that take place to the ends of the earth. There are others that invite you to delve into the heart of yourself.

My meeting with you, Alexandra, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in my journey towards my inner source.

Through the body; with gentleness, mutual connection, love; you guided me towards reconnecting what is most sacred in soul.

The journey, during massages or workshops, is each time moving, enlightening and thrilling.

There are journeys which, because we are accompanied with finesse, delicacy and accuracy, are worth all the journeys to the ends of the earth."A.R.

rue de la Bistoquerie, 3

6470 Sivry

0032 (0) 473 714 712

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